lunes, 10 de octubre de 2016

Grading Rubric for Oral Presentations

Poor (2-5)
Correct (5,5,-7)
Good (7,5-10)
Poor elaboration, reads the presentation
Fluent exposition, minor mistakes, barely reads
Deep knowledge of the topic, does not make mistakes, does not read

Difficult to keep the audience's interest
Interesting at the beginning and a bit dull and monotonous in the end
Catches the audience's interest and keeps it along the presentation
Fluency and pronunciation
Poor pronunciation and inappropriate intonation and rhythm 
Correct pronunciation, and plain intonation and rhythm 
Good pronunciation and appropriate intonation and rhythm
Morphology and Syntax
Serious mistakes in grammar. Poor vocabulary
Minor mistakes in grammar. Enough lexical variety and specific vocabulary
Deep knowledge and use of correct grammar and vocabulary

Body Movement
Lack of eye contact and body movement
Irregular eye contact and body movement 
Permanent eye contact and body movement

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