martes, 20 de septiembre de 2016

What a blog is...

If you don't know what a blog is, here's a short description: a blog (or weblog) is a sort of online journal in which the new posts always appear at the top. Visitors can comment on what they have read. Older posts are stored in an archive.  

It's very easy to create a blog and post to it. You can find blogs dealing with virtually any subject you can think of. During the recent American election, political blogs attracted a lot of attention. More and more companies are using blogs to interact with their customers. Many bloggers (people who write blogs) just talk about their daily lives. This blog is for learners and teachers of English, and more concrete for the students of English attending the IES María Zambrano, in El Espinar (Segovia).

I hope you'll come back often and add your own comments and suggestions.